Positivity as a Way to Cope in Times of Stress
by: Sanjana Vig MD
We’re in some of the most stressful times of our lives. People are getting sick, the economy is collapsing, more and more people are losing jobs or filing for unemployment, we are becoming more fearful of going outside and we have no idea when any of this will end. We can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, which makes it all much scarier.
Fortunately, we can choose our mindset, believe in that light at the end of the tunnel, and learn how to choose to stay positive. By doing so, we can help ourselves make this time less stressful and smoother.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that by staying positive you’ll somehow reverse our course or change the outcomes. We still have to take precautions, practice social distancing and be vigilant. As with any stressful period, we have to ride it out. Our ability to get through these stressful times in a healthy and constructive way depends on us maintaining a positive mindset.
Finding ways to stay positive and maintaining positive thoughts can be tough. Here are some ways you can stay positive and get through this stressful period, or any other that may come your way.
Find ways to spend your time productively
Whether it’s stay busy with work, hobbies, or tasks around your home, use this time to focus on getting things done.
Read more on mindful ways to find inspiration in your day and ways to increase productivity by staying present.
Stay off of social media (or take breaks)
Being constantly surrounded by bad news can make you more stressed and make it more difficult to stay positive. While yes, it’s important to know what’s wrong, when you surround yourself constantly with bad news, it can perpetuate negative feelings and negative thoughts, which can have a huge effect on your mental health. So, take breaks from social media and take a breather from all the news out there. Acknowledge that we are in a crazy negative situation and create positive moments for yourself to help you get through it.
Take care of your health
Exercise is a great place to start to reduce negativity and stay positive. It mitigates your stress hormones and releases endorphins leading to calmness and happiness. Plus, it can help you let go of your tension and relieve stress. Regular exercise also boosts the immune system and helps you sleep better.
While the coronavirus outbreak has everyone sheltering in place, you can still do workouts from home. We are lucky that we live in an era of the internet. Everything is available to you online, and much of it nowadays is free. Take advantage of all of the resources we have and start exercising your way to staying positive.
Read more on ways to add fitness to your day.
Eating well can also serve to maintain good immune health. Food is medicine. Use it to your advantage. You may not be able to go to the grocery store as regularly as you use to, but if you still have a home, a kitchen and ingredients to cook with, you are lucky. Stay positive with the knowledge that you have the ability to care for yourself. View this time as an opportunity to continue healthful eating or start to infuse healthy habits into your diet. Read more on natural ways to boost energy and happiness.
Eating habits contribute to how well you sleep and your energy levels during the day. Read more on sleep mantras to help relax you for sleep.
Reduce stress
There are many ways to relieve stress and help with positive thinking. In addition to the above try to meditate, perform breathing exercises, and take moments for yourself to decompress. Read more on finding balance with yoga and meditation and how to add self care to your days.
Give thanks every day for what you do have
Giving thanks can help you find something positive in each day and contribute to keeping a positive attitude. When you take note of all that you do have, you come to realize how lucky you are and it can make you feel better about whatever situation you’re in. Research shows that when you practice gratitude you can increase your happiness and sense of contentment.
Recognize and acknowledge the little things that you do on a day-to-day basis that give you comfort and sense of normalcy. Despite all the negative, we have a lot of reasons to stay positive.
One way to do this is to spend time each day to make a gratitude list: write down, or take note, all the things that have happened that day, or things that you have for which you are grateful. When you make your list, in addition to writing down the big things, jot down the small things as well. For instance, I’m grateful for my hot showers and my stockpile of tea.
Stay connected with family and friends
Your social health is just as important as your mental health and physical health. Scheduling sessions to chat regularly with your friends and loved ones can not only relieve stress but work to give you back your sense of community and belonging while giving you an outlet.
If your friends are anything like mine, you’ll also get a good laugh and hopefully be able to make plans for getting together when this crisis has passed. Being able to plan for the future can help you stay positive and give you something to look forward to.
Give back
If possible, try and find ways to give back during this time by donating supplies, money, or your time. For instance, help your neighbors with groceries or checking in on them to make sure they’re doing ok.
It’s hard to stay positive when you feel as if you have no control. Giving back can return that sense of control to you and can give you positive emotions of fulfillment and satisfaction that you’re doing what you can. Plus, positivity can be contagious. Seeing your smiling face can help a neighbor pick themselves up!
Positivity as a way to cope during stressful times
Thinking positively doesn’t mean that you are ignoring the problem. It’s a way to cope and handle it so that you can get through it in a healthy and meaningful way. Of course, there are moments when staying positive is impossible. In those instances, don’t ignore your emotions; instead, allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. When you feel like you need help or are looking for a way to re-focus on the
positive, then I hope this list helps to get you there.
About the Author:
Dr. Sanjana is an anesthesiologist and blogs at youbethree. She writes to help EMPOWER women to live their best life – emotionally, physically, professionally and financially.
Mindful MD Mom Asks:
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