Want Better Sleep? Try Sleep Mantras
by Sarah Cummings
Our days are busier than ever and we are often multitasking and/or being distracted. Read more on how to stay mindful when feeling distracted.
When it comes time to wind down for the evening, it can feel impossible to fully relax. While it may be tempting to pull out your phone and browse social media until you fall asleep, this activity can actually keep you up longer and make your sleep less restful.
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So, how to wind down at the end of the day so you can get restful sleep?
Bedtime Routines
Falling asleep with the tv on or the cell phone in hand does not make for a good night’s rest.
However, having a relaxing bedtime routine can help your body naturally reduce stress and prepare the mind and body for rest.
Relaxing bedtime routines are important for adults as well as children. Read more on how parental expectations affect the bedtime experience.
Mindful, Relaxing Activity
Use the body’s circadian rhythm hormone, melatonin, to naturally induce relaxation. This is a great time to partake in your favorite relaxing self care activities to slow down and reduce stimulation.
This can include reading, journaling, listening to soft music, taking a bath, meditation, etc. Read more on self care ideas for busy moms.
For those who tend to have more physical energy, yoga or light stretching can be very helpful. Read more on yoga and meditation for balance.
To calm anxieties, combating insomnia, or just finding a little more joy, mantra meditation is another great option. Read more on meditation for self compassion.
Mantra Meditation
Just as meditation helps relax and clear your mind throughout the day, this mindfulness technique can help you fall into a deep slumber at night.
Mantra meditation works by repeating a phrase or mantra to enter a relaxed state. It offers some variety to counting sheep and inspires positive thoughts and intentions as you wind down the day.
Finding a Sleep Mantra
To find a mantra that works for you, reflect on what you would like more of in your life. It can be peace, happiness, confidence, calm, balance. Alternatively, you may find that one calls out to you.
For some excellent and relaxing mantras for whatever your need, Sleep Advisor shares some great sleep mantras:
15 Sleep Mantras for Better Sleep
- I am becoming more relaxed with every breath
- My mind and body are ready for sleep
- I release this day
- I let go of what I do not need
- My body is a source of calmness
- All experiences are helping me grow
- Where I am is where I am meant to be
- Around me and within me I find stillness
- I am in control of my emotions
- I love and approve of myself
- I am surrounded by love and support
- I welcome all forms of positivity into my life
- My mind is calm and my body is relaxed.
- I put my thoughts aside in this moment
- I breath in peace and exhale tension
Read more on sleep mantras.
The Effects of Sleep Mantras
Incorporating these mantras into your bedtime (or morning) routine will add a consistent positive effect in your life. You will feel more relaxed, rested, peaceful. As a result, you may notice a great improvement in your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing.

Author Bio:
Sarah Cummings: love to travel, hang out with positive people, and love cycling when I find the time! My hope is that everyone who visits Sleep Advisor will walk away with a fresh perspective. I think too many people in society downplay the importance of sleep. In my opinion, it’s the difference between an average life and an amazing one.
Read more of her work on Sleep Advisor
The Mindful MD Mom Asks:
What are your favorite wind-down activities? Have you tried sleep mantra meditation? Share your favorite self care activities!
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